Cat pneumatic forklift

Rent Forklifts From A Dealer Not A Rental Company

Forklifts are a vital component for operating a warehouse or distribution center. Forklifts can be expensive and a purchase many not be feasible financially. There are positive reasons for renting. As a cost-effective option for operations not needing a forklift full-time, a rental cost is only based on the number of days or weeks it is needed.Β 

Man on forklift and man with clipboard

Why National Forklift Safety Day Matters

Nowadays there is a national day for just about everything. So, why not a National Forklift Safety Day? Calling attention to this important topic is paramount to saving lives and reducing injuries in forklift-related accidents.

Cat Forklift outside

Is It Time to Update My Forklift Fleet?

Regardless of what else is happening in your material handling and distribution center warehouse, your forklift fleet is still one of the main drivers to achieving your productivity and efficiency goals.