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Featured image for “Benefits of a Forklift Maintenance Plan”

One of the most important steps you can take to extend the life and performance of your forklift is to conduct regular forklift maintenance, to keep up with OSHA regulations and the machine’s recommended maintenance schedule.

Featured image for “Industry Innovations Improve Lift Truck Safety”

At Darr, our focus is not only on providing high quality machines to customers, and offering skilled support for customers who need assistance with lift truck repair and maintenance, but also on helping customers and employees enjoy a safer environment for the use of their forklifts.

Featured image for “Buying a Forklift in 2019? Here Are 7 Ways to Plan”

A forklift is a significant purchase, whether you’re a growing company looking to invest in this type of machinery for the first time, or an experienced business looking to replace a worn out machine.