Darr Equipment Donates Cushman 1600 UTV to Bonton Farms

Bonton Farms, a DFW nonprofit dedicated to providing access to healthy food and jobs for an underprivileged South Dallas community, recently received a refurbished Cushman 1600 UTV, to help keep their farms’ operations moving. The piece of industrial equipment was a gift from Darr Equipment, Co.
[CUTOFF]Bonton Farms is the dream of Daron Babcock. Since the Bonton community is a food desert, meaning the nearest grocery store is more than a mile away, Daron and his team gives people work; they in turn build résumés and get other jobs or start their own businesses. Daron sells or barters the food to people in the community so they can eat better and get healthier, so they can get and keep jobs. There’s a larger farm extension to the southeast, where more food is grown, which Daron sells to local DFW restaurants to help subsidize the nonprofits’ operations.
“We simply can’t continue to transform South Dallas into a space that helps grow a healthy community, create meaningful work, and ignite hope without the help of our generous partners and donors,” said Daron Babcock, Executive Director of Bonton Farms.
Scott Toppett, Fleet Accounts Sales Manager at Darr Equipment, coordinated the donation and was on hand for the delivery. Also in attendance was Darr CEO Robert Engstrom and Daron Babcock.
To read more about the work that Bonton Farms is doing in the community, check out their website at http://bontonfarms.org.