Hiring the Right Company: A Warehouse Equipment Rental Checklist

Picture this: you have a huge project lined up that requires a bunch of new equipment. However, like many other warehouse managers, you might be looking for options other than shelling out the cash to purchase all of your industrial equipment outright. Luckily, there is a way to solve the outrageous-upfront-cost debacle, and it’s called renting. Renting allows you to skip the high upfront expenses associated with buying new equipment and allows your third-party industrial equipment dealer to handle operating and maintenance costs. It also eliminates other fees that deal with insurance and government licensing that you would normally have to pay for. So, renting is a simple solution, right? Not so fast, though – there are several key factors to look out for when choosing a warehouse equipment rental company. Keep reading to discover the most important things to look for in an industrial equipment rental company.
[CUTOFF]What to Look for in an Equipment Rental Company
Outlined below are five factors that should drive your decision when picking the best industrial equipment dealer to rent from.
When it comes to the material handling industry, there is more at stake than you might think. One mistake can lead to product damage, equipment damage, or even worse – bodily harm to your employees. Make sure that you hire a company that has plenty of experience operating equipment, as a seasoned industrial equipment dealer will be in a better position to recognize any potential mistakes that can derail your project.
Customer Service
When you rent your industrial machines, you might find that you have questions or concerns that pop up. While hiring a trusted equipment dealer that has the right gear for your project is important, it is equally as important to hire a company with the right attitude. The company you choose should be able to provide you with professional customer service that aims to answer all of your questions about your rental equipment.
When working with any piece of industrial equipment, there is a certain level of knowledge that must be held in order to maintain a safe working environment. Hiring a warehouse equipment rental company that is not properly educated about the material handling industry or is not certified to handle the machinery they sell could be a red flag. It would be wise to opt for a well-rounded equipment rental company to avoid mishaps and ensure that you are truly getting the most out of your investment.
Every project is unique in that they all present new challenges as work progresses. Working with a flexible equipment rental company will allow you to make adjustments as new obstacles arise.
Safety Training Capabilities
With the constant influx of new innovations, operating procedures, and safety protocol, it is important to understand that training your employees is not a one-and-done task. While you might have general knowledge regarding how a machine works, variations in makes and models makes it difficult to know exactly how your equipment operates best. This is especially true of rental equipment, as you typically will have access to the latest models for the sake of efficiency. However, this creates a learning curve for operators. Proper safety training eliminates this issue and can even help your warehouse staff brush up on their safety and operations knowledge.
Other Considerations for Warehouse Equipment Rental
Getting references and referrals for industrial equipment dealers from people you know is one of the most effective ways to find the one that best suits your needs. There is more to renting industrial equipment than picking the right dealer, though; you should also take factors like machine type, policies, and rental rate into consideration. These items are further explained below.
Machine Type
Once you have picked an equipment rental dealer, your next order of business is picking the right machine for your warehouse. It would behoove you to do a little research about both the equipment you plan on using and its history prior to signing a rental contract. Your rental equipment’s performance is highly dependent on its age, quality, and how well it is maintained. With that said, the actual type of machine you pick should match up with your application. For example, you would not want to pick a counterbalance forklift meant for indoor use if your project requires your lift trucks to drive over rough outdoor terrain in extreme conditions.
Policies and Conditions
Something as simple as overlooking a critical clause in your contract can cause unnecessary headaches and unwarranted frustration. Therefore, be sure to always read through the policies and conditions of your rental contract before signing a deal. Any changes or verbal agreements that you make later should be in writing as well in case there is a dispute regarding the scope of the rental services.
Rental Rate Coverage
Different equipment rental companies charge differently. It is smart to shop around for multiple quotes so you can compare rates and get the best deal possible. In addition, it is important that you inquire about insurance. If the equipment that you are going to rent is insured, then be sure to ask what exactly is covered. The last thing you want is to incur an unanticipated charge for equipment damage.
While the warehouse equipment rental process is not rocket science, it also isn’t as easy as you probably once thought it was. Being knowledgeable about the company you work with and the rental contract you are entering into is the key in finding a deal that works best for your material handling project. At Darr Equipment, our goal is to provide the industry’s best rental equipment and services so our customers are happy doing business with us. Find the right equipment for your next project by contacting us today.