Pricing Insights for the Next Time You Buy a Forklift

Sticker shock is a common occurrence when customers look to buy
a forklift. With prices ranging from $15,000 to more than $100,000, however, it
is possible to find a forklift within your price range. In order to find the
machine that meets your needs and fits in your budget, as well as to avoid
sticker shock that might make buying a forklift seem out of your reach, you
need to understand which factors affect price. When you know which factors
influencing the price, you can be aware of which ones are important to you when
you go to buy a forklift. Here are the biggest things that can affect forklift
pricing, and tips for deciding which of them are most important to you.
When you buy a forklift,
consider used vs. new.
The most obvious, and probably the biggest, factor influencing
the price of a forklift is whether it is new or used. Used forklifts can cost up to half that of new
forklifts. That means that used forklifts present significant savings for many
However, before you run out to buy the first used forklift you
see, consider the fact that, over time, used forklifts will cost more to
maintain and repair. As a result, a good rule of thumb is to consider used
forklifts if you plan to use them less than four hours a day, and to purchase
new forklifts if you plan to use them for more than four hours a day.
In addition, you will want to ensure that any used forklift you
purchase is sold and serviced by a reliable dealer like Darr. A good dealer
will ensure that your forklift is in good condition upon purchase, comes with a
warranty, and is covered by a maintenance plan to give you peace of mind and
to save you maintenance and repair costs over the long-term.
When you buy a forklift,
consider its capacity.
Hopefully, you have an idea of how much capacity you need when
you buy a forklift. In general, the greater the capacity, the more the forklift
will cost. This means that a forklift that can lift 1 ton at a time is going to
cost less than a forklift that can lift 4 tons at a time.
In order to save yourself some money, and find the right
machine for your needs, look to buy a forklift that has the lifting capacity
that you need. However, also make sure that it can handle any anticipated
future capacity needs. For example, you may only need a one-ton capacity now,
but foresee an expansion in your business that will lead to larger loads. In
that case, you may want to buy a forklift with a capacity that matches
your anticipated future needs.
When you buy a forklift,
consider the height.
Capacity is not the only factor that can affect the price of a
forklift. The height that the forklift can reach will also influence cost. The
higher the forklift can reach, the higher the price will be. As a result, you
also want to buy a forklift that has the height capacity you need.
When you buy a forklift,
consider the type of engine.
The two major types of engines in forklifts are internal
combustion (IC) and electric. There is a significant cost difference between
these two. IC engines will cost about fifty percent less than will electric
engines. However, electric engines have certain advantages, such as
significantly lower maintenance and repair costs, that make them worthwhile to
many businesses. Talk to your forklift dealer about which type of engine might
best fit your business and budget.
When you buy a forklift,
consider the type of tires it has.
It makes sense that features like capacity and engine type
would affect the price of forklifts. What may surprise you, however, is the
fact that tires can also influence the price when you buy a forklift. In
particular, pneumatic tires, which use compressed air, tend to raise the price
of the forklift over that of forklifts with cushion tires. This increase in
cost is a reflection of the improved driving experience that pneumatic tires
When you buy a forklift,
consider the accessories you will need to buy.
There are a number of accessories you can add when you buy a
forklift. For example, mirrors, alarms, fork extensions and more can all be
added to your forklift purchase. Just be aware that the more attachments and
accessories you add, the more your forklift will cost and limit your purchases
to those accessories that will enhance the function of your machine.
When you buy a forklift,
consider the manufacturer.
When you buy a forklift remember that, like cars, the
manufacturer will at least in part determine the cost. The more reliable and
well-known the manufacturer is, the more you can expect to pay when you buy a
forklift. As a result, consider the reputations of each manufacturer, and
decide if paying for that manufacturer’s reputation is worth the extra cost to
When you buy a forklift, you get to choose from many different
new and used models. The price you pay will depend upon the machine you choose.
The key to finding the right model, at the right price, for your business is to
work with a reliable dealer like Darr. We can provide you with a wide selection
of both new and used forklifts, and we can assist you with determining which
product will best suit your needs. Pair your forklift purchase with a
comprehensive maintenance plan and warranty, and you will be sure to buy a
forklift at the right price.