Should You Upgrade Your Warehouse Racking Systems? Look for These Signs

All good things must come to an end, even your warehouse racking systems. While you may have found a setup and a product that has served you well for many years, you will still need to replace the shelving eventually. Over time, the shelving can deteriorate, suffer damage, or become outdated. Your warehouse needs may change, too. This is especially true as consumers purchase more and more goods online and warehouses handle a greater volume and diversity of inventory.
At the same time, you do not want to replace your shelving too soon. Your business depends upon the wise use of your financial resources. How do you know where that fine line is between soldiering on with what you have and investing in an upgrade? Here are a few signs to look out for that might indicate that your shelving systems need some TLC.
[CUTOFF]Replace your warehouse racking systems when they display visible damage.
Over time, racking systems will show signs of wear and tear. For example, forklifts may collide with the shelving system. The steady placement and removal of pallets may lead to bumps and wearing. Shelves may become crooked. Bolts may rust. Regardless of the cause, racking systems that display visible damage should be replaced immediately.
A minor dent or a slightly crooked shelf may not seem like a big deal. However, that damage may have weakened the overall structure of the rack. You do not know if that dent will lead to a collapse, or if another bump by a forklift is enough to tip the shelving unit over. The financial cost of replacing a shelving unit is much less than the cost of recovering from a major accident.
The best way to identify a damaged shelving unit is to inspect it regularly. A forklift operator may not notice a dent or a scratch. You may not know every time a collision happens in your warehouse. Looking at your racking systems regularly, however, will reveal dings, scratches, and other issues that may indicate a need to replace the affected area.
If you do notice damage on your shelving units, you may want to consult with a professional that is qualified to repair such units. Sometimes, the damage can be repaired. At other times, the shelving unit should be replaced. A professional can help you make that determination and ensure that your shelving units remain strong and safe over the long term.
Replace your shelving systems when they require constant repair.
Many issues with warehouse racking systems can be repaired without requiring you to replace the entire unit. A certified technician can help you determine when repairs instead of replacements are acceptable.
However, if you find that your shelving requires frequent repairs, you may want to consider replacing it instead. A single issue may be resolved easily with a repair. However, after the third or fourth or fifth repair in a single month, or even year, you have to consider whether these repairs indicate a deeper issue. If a racking system is having regular issues because it is too old and worn out to perform safely anymore, repairs may simply be masking a larger safety issue. In this case, replacing the unit can prevent a bigger problem down the line.
In addition, repairs cost money. If you are regularly investing in repairs, you may find that you save money by replacing the unit altogether. When this happens, you can stop worrying about the overall quality of the shelving unit and save the money you had been investing in repairs.
Upgrade your shelving systems when you experience changes in your storage needs.
A warehouse storage system that worked for your business five years ago may no longer meet your needs. Over time, your warehouse is sure to experience changes in its storage needs and inventory. There may come a point at which those changes require an alteration in your storage system.
For example, maybe you started out handling only a few SKUs. Now, you handle many different SKUs. A storage system designed for more SKUs can help you to better track your inventory. Similarly, you may find that you need a different system for tracking your inventory as your inventory increases or changes over time. A new warehouse shelving system might be the right solution.
Regularly evaluating your storage needs can help you to determine when those needs require additions or changes to your current warehouse racking systems.
Upgrade your shelving systems when you need more space.
Many warehouses nowadays face an increase in inventory, thanks to customers’ skyrocketing online shopping habits. At the same time, they are facing skyrocketing space costs as well. This means that they must carve more storage out of the same space. If you find that you are running out of space in your warehouse, you may benefit from new or upgraded warehouse racking systems.
Many of these systems are designed for efficient storage. This means that they can store more materials in the same space. They offer the perfect solution for space-strapped warehouses. If your current storage solutions no longer work because of space concerns, an upgraded system may be just what you need.
Changing your warehouse racking systems can feel intimidating. However, at times, it is a necessary project. When your racking systems show signs of wear and tear, when they have frequent problems, or when you experience changes in your storage needs or require more space, an upgrade can help.
Here at Darr Equipment, we can make the upgrade process simpler. We can walk you through our options and help you to find the solution that works best for you. Then, we can make sure you receive a high-quality storage system that will serve you well for many years.