Small Space Solutions: Turret Trucks & VNA Warehouse Pallet Racks

Regardless of your industry, demand for your product could reach all-time highs significantly faster than you might have originally expected. While this may seem like great news for any business, most warehouse managers know that an increase in demand translates to needing more storage space for stocking goods. This means that without the right warehouse design solution, enterprises run the risk of running out of room in their warehouse, resulting in slower fulfillment times. Luckily, very narrow aisle (VNA) solutions exist for this exact scenario, allowing businesses to better fulfill orders as they come in. VNA warehouse designs work by making your aisles as narrow as possible and using tall racking systems so that you can take advantage of every inch of your facility. Keep reading as we explore the two main components of VNA warehousing: turret trucks and specialty VNA warehouse pallet racks.
The Components of VNA Warehousing
The two main elements of any warehouse design include pallet racks (for storage purposes) and the industrial equipment that is required to retrieve and process goods from those racks. For VNA warehouse layouts, turret trucks and specialty warehouse pallet racks are utilized so that you can get the most out of your current facility.
Turret Trucks
A turret truck is made specifically for VNA warehouse configurations, as it is designed to operate in very tight spaces (i.e., the narrow aisles that are characteristic of this type of warehousing). Some of the advantages of utilizing a turret truck include:
· Significantly faster pallet handling in VNA applications, resulting in substantial improvements in warehouse productivity.
· A reduction in operator error (due to better visibility), which leads to fewer accidents and other risks associated with racking damage.
· The ability to reach up to 16 meters, as opposed to the standard 8 to 12 meters with traditional forklifts.
· An increase in warehouse holding capacity, which can be attributed to their high level of maneuverability and their requirement of only 1.6 meters in aisle width.
It’s also important to note that you should always purchase your turret trucks (or any heavy machinery, for that matter) from reputable industrial equipment dealers that sell trustworthy brands like Jungheinrich. This helps to ensure that you are buying a reliable machine that can withstand the frequent use and hard work that comes with the material handling industry.
VNA Warehouse Pallet Racks
VNA layouts require pallet racks to be placed closer together than other warehouse solutions. This allows you to maximize your storage space by approximately 44 percent without having to physically expand your facility or open another distribution center. Some key benefits associated with utilizing VNA pallet racks include:
· Less wasted space by building upwards.
· Less product damage.
· Good stock rotation.
Do you need to maximize your storage space but lack the time and/or expertise required to reconfigure your warehouse’s layout? Darr Equipment’s team of warehousing experts are prepared to provide you with a custom solution to suit your business’s needs. Regardless of whether that entails a VNA configuration or not, our goal is to increase throughput and productivity in your current facility. Contact us today to see how a little space can go a long way.