Three Times You Should Choose an Electric Forklift

When it comes to selecting a type of forklift for your
business, you have many options. One of the most basic, however, is a choice
between electric forklifts (powered by batteries) and internal combustion
forklifts (powered by fuel). While each type has its advantages, there are a
few times that an electric model is the best choice. Here are three of those
Choose an electric forklift for tasks that occur primarily indoors.
Electric forklifts are best known for three qualities: An absence of emissions, an absence of noise and reduced maintenance cost over the life of the lift. The lack of emissions is a result of the fact that these lift trucks do not use fuel, like gasoline or diesel, that can create noxious fumes and exhaust that must be dealt with when creating a safe working environment.
Thanks to this lack of emissions, electric forklifts are ideal for indoor use. Businesses can undertake tasks such as filling orders, unloading pallets in a warehouse, and other indoor jobs without worrying about a buildup of emissions and fumes from fuel-powered forklifts. In addition, businesses have to worry less about accidentally violating OSHA regulations regarding fumes and emissions.
In addition, the quieter nature of electric forklifts means that they are easy to have around inside a building. There are no annoying sounds to contend with, and noise pollution is at a minimum. This fact can make using electric forklifts indoors an appealing option for creating a more comfortable work environment for employees.
As a result, you may want to choose an electric forklift when you are completing tasks that occur primarily indoors. Ideal for warehouse use, for example, filling orders, moving sports equipment within a stadium, and more, these machines are a safe and easy way to complete lifting tasks indoors.
Choose an electric forklift when maneuverability is key.
Another advantage of electric forklifts is the fact that they tend to be more maneuverable than are internal combustion forklifts. The battery is used as the counterweight resulting in a smaller footprint allowing for a tighter turning radius. These features mean that the electric models are much easier to drive in between narrow shelving and aisles in a warehouse or factory.
As a result, electric forklifts can be a smart choice whenever maneuverability is key. For example, perhaps you need to increase the amount of product in your warehouse, which means narrowing aisles and adding pallets. An electric forklift might make it possible to increase the amount of product you can store without compromising the safety of your operations.
In addition, you may want to use an electric forklift when storage space for the forklift is limited. Being able to tuck the machine into a smaller space might help you to more easily keep a forklift on your premises, or eliminate the need to rent a machine.
Finally, maneuverability might be key if you are trying to create a safer environment within your business. For example, a smaller turning radius and narrower build can mean fewer opportunities for errors, and an easier time stopping or turning the forklift in an emergency situation. As a result, consider an electric forklift whenever maneuverability is a key consideration for your business.
Use an electric forklift when financial savings are key.
Electric forklifts also have a major advantage in that they present significant cost savings to owners, both in the near-term and over the lifetime of the machine. For example, because fuel is not required to run these lift trucks, businesses can save upwards of $26,000 on fuel in just 5 years.
In addition, electric forklifts may require less maintenance over time. For example, without major parts such as engines and transmissions, these machines have fewer moving pieces to be watched, maintained, and repaired. With a lighter maintenance plan burden, businesses may be able to save money on keeping their electric forklifts in good working order.
Finally, businesses can save money with electric forklifts thanks to the relatively low cost of charging these lift trucks’ batteries. With electricity significantly less expensive than fuel, keeping these forklifts in good running order can cost less over the long term. That is why this type of forklift is known for its low lifetime costs.
As a result, you may want to consider using an electric forklift if cost savings are key to your business success. You may need to pay more upfront to purchase one. However, you should more than make that money back over the lifetime of the machine because of its low costs of ownership and maintenance.
And that can make the difference between balancing the budget and operating in the red, between needing to own or needing to rent a lift truck, or even the difference between being able to afford enough trucks for your business or needing to make due with a small fleet.
Electric forklifts offer a great deal of potential to businesses looking to begin or add to their forklift fleet. In particular, however, businesses looking to complete tasks primarily indoors, desiring maneuverability, and looking to maximize their financial savings may benefit from using electric forklifts. With zero emissions and very little noise, impressive maneuverability, and lifetime costs and savings, these lift trucks promise businesses greater profits and an improved workplace environment.
If you need help selecting a forklift, choosing among different types of electric forklifts, or deciding whether to rent or buy a lift truck, do not hesitate to reach out to Darr. We can provide you with new or used electric forklifts, comprehensive maintenance plans, and whatever support you need to create and manage a fleet of lift trucks for your business.