Regardless of your industry, demand for your product could reach all-time highs significantly faster than you might have originally expected. While this may seem like great news for any business, most warehouse managers know that an increase in demand translates to needing more storage space for stocking goods.
Increasing Warehouse Storage Capacity: Used Pallet Racking Options & More

When the working storage capacity of a warehouse exceeds the 85 percent utilization level, productivity levels tend to take a dive. This can be attributed to a variety of issues, like extra work caused by the commingling of multiple pallets or SKUs in storage locations, overly congested receiving and shipping docks, and so on.
Racking Gone Wrong: Poor Used Pallet Racking Practices and More

When done right, optimizing your warehouse shelving can increase your storage space and improve productivity. There are many options when it comes to purchasing, installing, and maintaining your pallet racking. Unfortunately, with this seemingly endless number of options comes more room for error.