Forklift Parts to Avoid

When your forklift requires parts replacements, you can extend its life, and save yourself some cash, by buying high quality forklift parts for your machine. Finding the right forklift parts is a combination of knowing what qualities to look for and knowing what red flags to avoid. Here are the biggest clues that the forklift parts you are considering are the wrong ones, and a tip for finding the right forklift parts more easily.
[CUTOFF]Avoid forklift parts that are not compatible with your machine.
The first, and most obvious, forklift parts red flag is incompatibility with your machine. For example, tires that are too big or too small for your forklift, or forks that were made for a different model, are obviously not going to work for the forklift you are using. Even if you can get the wrong piece to fit on your machine, you increase your chances of early breakage or other issues.
As a result, it is important to avoid any parts that are not specifically designed for your make and model of machine. Before purchasing forklift parts, know the make and model of your machine, as well as any other relevant details, such as the size of the part that you need. Doing so will help you avoid purchasing forklift parts that do not fit your machine or that may cause problems over time because of incompatibility with your forklift.
Avoid the cheapest forklift parts.
Price is almost always a concern when buying forklift parts. That is why it can be tempting to purchase the cheapest possible part, whether you are buying new forklift parts or used. After all, saving as much money as possible on the repair of your machine may seem like the best way to conserve your financial resources over the long term.
The reality, however, is that the cheapest forklift parts are often inexpensive for a reason. They might be so old that they will not give you much productive life before they too need to be replaced. New parts, if they are the cheapest on the market, may not be of high quality, meaning that they break down more quickly, or end up defective. In the long-run, these problems can cost you money as you attempt to replace or repair these malfunctioning forklift parts.
Instead of pursuing the least expensive option, always weigh cost against other features such as the age of the part, the reputation of the manufacturer and dealer, the warranty available on the part, and more. The true deals are those that combine high quality with a reasonable price.
Avoid buying old forklift parts.
Used forklift parts can be an appealing option for saving money while repairing your machine. These parts are often much cheaper than new parts. The right used part can also have a decent lifespan left in it, perform reliably, and even come with a warranty. However, forklift parts that are excessively old may not be the best purchase to make for your machine.
For example, a forklift part that is expected to last 5 years and is already 4 years old may be very inexpensive. However, it is unlikely to last you very long. As a result, you may spend more money buying that part and replacing it again in a year than you would if you had purchased a new forklift part. In addition, old forklift parts are more likely to break, requiring further repairs and replacements.
Instead, consider buying new forklift parts or gently used parts that are likely to still be reliable and give you many years of life.
Avoid worn forklift parts.
You want to be sure that the forklift parts you purchase will serve you well for many years. As a result, you want to avoid purchasing any parts that look worn or defective in any way. For example, the parts you purchase should look in good condition, with no obvious wear and tear, no obvious rust, and no obvious defects. Any imperfections and defects should alert you to the fact that you need to ask for a different product in order to ensure the best possible part for your machine.
Ensuring that you do not buy worn or defective forklift parts means you need to inspect each piece before you purchase it or have it installed on your forklift. A visual inspection can help you catch any problems that would otherwise not show up until you encountered problems in your forklift.
In addition, many forklift parts come with warranties, certifications, and other assurances that they have been inspected and are guaranteed to be in good condition. Finding forklift parts with these assurances can help you feel more secure in the quality of the part you are purchasing.
The right forklift parts can help you get your machine up and running again without requiring you to go out and purchase a new forklift. The right parts will last you for many years and serve you reliably. Finding these forklift parts means avoiding certain parts that come with certain red flags. If you avoid forklift parts that are not compatible with your machine, that are the cheapest on the market, that are old, or that are worn, you are more likely to find reliable parts for your machine.
If you need help finding the right forklift parts for your forklift, reach out to Darr. Our parts come with warranties, and we can back up our products with comprehensive maintenance plans, trained technicians, and all of the guidance you need to find the right product and solutions for your needs.