Friday, Aug 3, 2018

Technology continuously transforms our world, usually for the
better. New medical technology saves lives. New marketing technology brings in
more business. More personal technology makes access to information faster and
Friday, Aug 3, 2018
Darr Equipment Supports Hiring Our Heroes

Here at Darr Equipment, we believe in providing the highest level of service to our customers and creating a culture that helps employees (and really anyone we work with) feel like they are part of a family.
Thursday, Jul 12, 2018
Darr Equipment Donates Cushman 1600 UTV to Bonton Farms

Bonton Farms, a DFW nonprofit dedicated to providing access to healthy food and jobs for an underprivileged South Dallas community, recently received a refurbished Cushman 1600 UTV, to help keep their farms’ operations moving.