The Latest DARR News

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Featured image for “Putting the Emphasis on Forklift Safety”
For the ninth year in a row, the International Truck Association (ITA) will mark National Forklift Safety Day. This year, the event will be on June 14 – in person at the National Press Club in Washington, DC and virtually. Many of those in the material handling industry will be marking the important date, as well. Forklift safety has to
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Featured image for “3 Tips For Buying Used Forklifts”
There’s nothing quite like a shiny new piece of expensive material handling equipment. After all, brand new forklifts have all the latest bells and whistles. But there’s something to be said for finding a good used forklift, too. If you take the necessary steps to make sure you’re getting a forklift that’s been treated right, you won’t be disappointed. And
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Featured image for “Equipment Assessment & Recommendations”
Understanding the material handling and distribution center warehouse industry at its deepest level is what enables a solid equipment and solutions distributor to stay at the top of the game. At Darr Equipment Co, we like to say this “ain’t our first rodeo” when it comes to providing equipment assessments and recommendations to our clients. After all, we’ve been doing
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