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Featured image for “Material Handling Rental Equipment Offers Benefits”
Material handling equipment is necessary for many types of businesses to operate efficiently. Whether to purchase or rent equipment is best determined by business operations needs and how the equipment will be utilized in the business. The Financial Side Renting forklifts and other material handling equipment can be more cost effective than the large capital expense of purchasing equipment. A
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Featured image for “Planned Maintenance Gives Your Operations a Leg Up”
Every season, homeowners schedule an inspection and maintenance of their home HVAC system. Every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, car owners schedule oil changes and follow the dealer recommendations for preventative maintenance for their personal vehicles.  Every new school year, parents schedule checkups for their children to make sure that they are growing and healthy and that there nothing is out of the
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Featured image for “Is It Time to Update My Forklift Fleet?”
Regardless of what else is happening in your material handling and distribution center warehouse, your forklift fleet is still one of the main drivers to achieving your productivity and efficiency goals. That’s why understanding the best time to replace a piece of equipment like a forklift is important. And for most of us, that means deciding when to trade in
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