How to Save Money On a Forklift Rental

During times of economic uncertainty, like the pandemic-fueled one we face now, saving money is often a primary goal for businesses. Preserving cash to weather potential downturns in business is a wise financial move until the economy stabilizes and business picks back up again.

Forklift moving quickly through a warehouse

Equipment Assessment & Recommendations

Understanding the material handling and distribution center warehouse industry at its deepest level is what enables a solid equipment and solutions distributor to stay at the top of the game. At Darr Equipment Co, we like to say this β€œain’t our first rodeo” when it comes to providing equipment assessments and recommendations to our clients.

6 Forklift Maintenance Tips to Help You Maintain Safety

Regular forklift maintenance and servicing is imperative to keep machines running correctly. A well-maintained machine will provide you with years of reliable and safe service. A neglected machine will break down more frequently, require replacement sooner and, most importantly, put your operators at risk.